The following is a list of recent changes to this website.
Function-related changes (F) relates to modifications of the overall operation and
functionality of the website: for example a new or modified button, improved graphics,
or added links. Content-related changes (C) relates to modifications of text and
illustrations in articles, papers, and book reviews.
All pages in the Finder section (except for the Dictionary, which is a bigger project)
are now updated with the new design and menus.
First, we added a potential banner area (which is right now just plain white)
in the upper left corner of every one-column page. We then added the new "This Page"
links at the bottom of all main pages. These links takes the user to the "Tell a Friend!",
"Suggest Changes!", "Revision History" and "For Printing" pages, all of which we
auto-generated with our new EOSCV auto-updater script. The footer on each main page
also has two new links to the Guestbook and to "Sign Our Guestbook!", as well as a counter.
In addition to this, the position of the "This Page" links, the footer text, and the Tripod
footer banner have been nicely centered on the page. We also made changes to the main page
menu system by adding the Archives, Saints, Scriptures, and Miscellaneous sections.
All pages in the Introduction section are now updated with the new design
and menus. First, we added a potential banner area (which is right now just plain white)
in the upper left corner of every one-column page. We then added the new "This Page"
links at the bottom of all main pages. These links takes the user to the "Tell a Friend!",
"Suggest Changes!", "Revision History" and "For Printing" pages, all of
which we auto-generated with our new EOSCV auto-updater script.
The footer on each main page also has two new links to the Guestbook and
to "Sign Our Guestbook!", as well as a counter. In addition to this, the
position of the "This Page" links, the footer text, and the Tripod
footer banner have been nicely centered on the page. We also made
changes to the main page menu system by adding the Archives, Saints,
Scriptures, and Miscellaneous sections.
Our extensive EOSCV MPW Shell auto-updater script is now ready.
This script automatically generates each main page's "For Printing",
"Revision History", "Tell a Friend", and "Suggest Changes" sub-pages.
This enables us to quicker carry out the reorganization of the site.
During February we will start a refurbishment of this site, updating menus and pages
in different ways. The updating will start with the Introduction section, move on with
the Finder section, and then the other sections, such as Our Vedic Heritage, The Shop,
The Journal, etc will follow.
We polished the English a bit in Srila Prabhupada's
The only difference in content in comparison with
earlier versions of this text is that we in the first paragraph now have added that
Prabhupada also learned how to play mrdangga when he was a young boy.
We added a new link on the
Contact Us! page
Suggest Changes!.
This link takes you to a form that makes it possible for you to suggest changes to the
Contact Us! page. In the future, all, or at least most, pages on
Eyes of Scripture will have its own, unique Suggest Changes! form.
We added a new link on the
Contact Us! page
Tell a Friend!.
This link takes you to a form that makes it possible for you to recommend the
Contact Us! page to your friends. In the future, all, or at least most, pages on
Eyes of Scripture will have its own, unique Tell a Friend! form.
We rewrote the text on the
ContactUs! page
to better serve you. We now
provide four different methods of how to communicate with Eyes of Scripture:
general feedback, page-specific feedback, proposing material, and submitting material.
We have added a Revision History page to each page on this website. The
purpose of a Revision History page is to make it more easy for us (the
staff at Eyes of Scripture) as well as for you (the user) to track changes.
For an example of a typical Revision History page, scroll down to the
footer of this page and click on the Revision History link (or just click
We have just started to implement the Dictionary system. Today we added the
overview pages for
A entries
B entries,
along with their "for printing" equivalents. These are now
functional, but do not contain any real dictionary entries. Note that C-Z are NOT added yet!
We moved the "What's New?" menu item from the "Introduction" section
to the "Finder" section to get a more logical and consistent system.
We updated the design of the "What's New?" page (the page that you currently are looking at),
so that it now contains a list of items that are arranged in a chronological order, with the
most recent change listed first.
The user can now, for all one-column text pages, click on the "For printing" link
(which is located immediately after the end of the text) to be able to print the
page without navigation buttons, search fields, or advertising.
When he is finished printing, the user can return to "navigation" mode by clicking
on the "For viewing" link. To try this new feature, use, for example, the links
"For viewing" and "For printing", located right after the last item below.
We have revised Srila Prabhupada's
in several ways. We added a new link to Bhaktisddhanta Sarasvati;
we edited the text; and we fixed a programming bug in the Bibliography,
which previously made all the book titles in the Bibliography list invisible
when viewed with Internet Explorer.