Although everyone is more than welcome to visit this website, we have designed it especially to serve the following three categories of people:

1. Professional scholars in academic fields such as philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of mind, science and religion, philosophy of religion, comparative religion, hinduism, etc.

2. Undergraduate and graduate students studying philosophy, philosophy of science, philosophy of biology, philosophy of mind, science and religion, philosophy of religion, comparative religion, hinduism, etc.

3. Sincere, philosophically inclined seekers who are trying to understand God, the true nature of this world, and the meaning of life. These persons either come from a theistic background, such as Judaeo-Christians, Muslims, and Hindus, or from an atheistic dito. They all, however, have in common that they want intelligent, consistent, and definite answers to their deep, important, existential inquiries.

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