The following is a list of all major changes to the
page and its accompanying "Tell a Friend!",
"Suggest Changes!", and "For Printing" pages.
The list is chronologically sorted, with most recent revisions first.
We just improved the layout on the main page. First, we added a potential
banner area (which is right now just plain white) in the upper left
section of the main page. We then added the new "This Page" links at the
bottom of the page. These links takes the user to the "Tell a Friend!",
"Suggest Changes!", "Revision History" and "For Printing" pages, all of
which we auto-generated with our new EOSCV auto-updater script.
The footer on the main page also has two new links to the Guestbook and
to "Sign Our Guestbook!", as well as a counter. In addition to this, the
position of the "This Page" links, the footer text, and the Tripod
footer banner are now all nicely centered on the page. We also made
changes to the main page menu system by adding the Archives, Saints,
Scriptures, and Miscellaneous sections.
We added this revision history page so that both we (the webmaster)
and you (the user) can track how the
Finder Index
page has been modified, from its initial publication and onward.
We published the
Finder Index
Back to the
Index page